Phone Interview Success Tips

IT Job Search Expert Don Goodman offers excellent tips preparing for and succeeding at a telephone or Skype job interview.

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7 Great Ways to Optimize Your Keywords for a More Powerful LinkedIn Profile

IT Job Search Expert Don Goodman describes how to determine what keywords are important plus 7 key places to use them for a more powerful LinkedIn Profile.

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Job Seekers’ Not-So-Secret Weapon: Recruiters

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz explains how working with recruiters is a key part of your job search.

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Understanding the Recruiter “Rules of Engagement” – A Tale of Two Job Seekers

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz shows you examples of how to – and how NOT to – reach out to a recruiter.

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Discussing the Starting Salary Question with External Headhunters

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz helps you understand how to answer the all-important starting salary question.

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Smart Answers to Common Interview Questions

Recruiter/headhunter Jeff Lipschultz offers savvy advice for differentiating yourself from other candidates with these smart answers to 15 job interview questions.

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Guide to Working with Recruiters

Articles and job search advice to help you work better with recruiters, an important part of a successful job search.

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Recruiters and New Grads

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz helps you understand about working with recruiters, as a new grad.

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What Recruiters Do NOT Want to Find on Your Resume

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz answers this question: What does a recruiter NOT want to find on your resume?

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Managing the Age Issue with Recruiters: Age as an Asset NOT a Liability

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz helps older job seekers to understand and to demonstrate their value to recruiters.

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Keeping the External Recruiter Informed

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz shares how and why you need to keep the external/independent recruiter informed.

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Build Your Job Interview Checklist

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz offers a proven interview success method — a checklist connecting your skills and accomplishments with the requirements of the job.

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Interview Success: Asking the Right Questions

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz coaches you to ask the right questions in an interview, questions that will help you and help you stand out.

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How to Scare Recruiters Away (Don’t Do This!)

Jeff Lipschultz helps you understand how your actions may scare recruiters away – not what you want for your job search.

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How Recruiters Pick YOU

You want recruiters to choose you to show their clients, and recruiter Jeff Lipschultz explains how recruiters choose the job candidtes they present.

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Working with a Recruiter: Surprises Can Be Bad

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz offers insight into how to avoid unpleasant surprising the external recruiter you work with.

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How to Become a Boomerang Employee

If you enjoyed working for a former employoer, consider becoming a boomerang employee — being rehired by a former employer. The result can be a great new job, often through an employee referral by a former co-worker.

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Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships with Recruiters

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz explains how building strong relationships with the right recruiters can make your job search easier.

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Optimize Your Resume to Be Found by Recruiters

3 key ares to focus your keyword research and usage to improve your resumes’ searchability (Resume SEO) which increases your chances of being found in a resume database search.

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After Your Interview, What Employers Talk About Behind Closed Doors

After the interview, the interviewers get together and decide which of the interviewees to hire. Recruiter Biron Clark shares what they talk about so you can understand what you need to do to succeed.

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