After being diagnosed with Crohn's disease and arthritis at a young age, Jason Reid launched Sick with Success® and his career as a professional coach, speaker, and author specializing in the area of chronic illness and employee engagement.

Jason overcame the challenges of Crohn's disease and arthritis to become the head of news and information at a national television network, where he won international awards and dramatically increased employee productivity.

His ability to engage employees with chronic illness motivated him to create Sick with Success®, a company that helps ambitious people with chronic health conditions and the organizations that employ them.

With more than a third of the workforce diagnosed with at least one chronic disease, Jason regularly engages business audiences looking to improve productivity and diversity while simultaneously reducing disability costs. His paradigm-changing book, Thriving in the Age of Chronic Illness, tackles the rapidly evolving nature of employee health problems from the point of view of both the worker and the employer.

Jason's real-world experiences as a manager challenged by illness gives him a unique perspective on how chronic illness affects organizations and their people. He has a B.A. in journalism, is a professionally trained coach, and holds a certificate in organizational leadership from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California.

Jason writes regularly at his popular blog You can follow Jason at and on Twitter @sick_w_success.
The Job Search Process:

When/How to Disclose Your Illness in a Resume or Cover Letter
In today's job market, organizations get dozens - if not hundreds - of resumes for every potential job available. Don't give them a reason to put your resume in the "do not call" pile.
How to Answer: Can You Do This Job?
I recently got a desperate call from a former client of mine whom I'll call Louise. She was talented and was recognized as an up-and-coming star in her industry until she got sick and eventually left her job.
The Right Interview Mindset
When you have a chronic illness, it is natural to approach a job interview with an eye on what that job can do for you - pay, benefits, or even future opportunities.

Choosing that Next Job or Career:

How to Find an Energizing Work Environment
Do what you love. This advice is given to job seekers every day. The one exception, it seems, are those job hunters who are challenged by a chronic health condition.
Test the (Employment) Waters as a Volunteer
The term "testing the waters" comes from the habit of recreational swimmers of dipping their foot into a lake or pool to gauge the water's temperature before diving in. This ensures the swimmer won't endure a shock by throwing themselves into water that is colder than they're prepared for. Avoid the Sink-or-Swim Situation

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